
The Guide to
San Francisco's Historic Sutro Baths

苏特罗浴场是贝博体彩app最令人印象深刻的景点之一. 了解如何以及何时参观,以及附近还有什么.

For decades, 苏特罗浴场是贝博体彩app的标志性部分,它定义了贝博体彩app杰出人士对这座新兴城市的宏伟愿景. 如果你计划去贝博体彩app的里士满区游玩, it's worth visiting the ruins of the Sutro Baths, both for their breathtaking views and rich history. Here's how to make the most out of your trip there.

History of Sutro Baths

The Sutro Baths were the passion project of Adolph Sutro, an entrepreneur who was also a former mayor of San Francisco. 坐落在城市西部面向大海的悬崖上, 苏特罗浴场的景色令人印象深刻(现在仍然如此).

浴场本身建在一个巨大而令人印象深刻的结构中,由六个咸水池和一个淡水池组成. The incoming high tide filled the saltwater pools, 一个地下涡轮泵能够在退潮时每五个小时更新一次水.

Completed in 1890, 苏特罗浴场本身就是一项令人印象深刻的工程壮举,是贝博体彩app市民和游客的热门目的地. However, by the start of World War I, 浴场的受欢迎程度明显下降,试图重振其受欢迎程度的尝试——包括将浴场改造成溜冰场——最终失败了.

1964年,这些浴场被计划拆除,取而代之的是高层公寓. Before that could happen, the remnants of the Sutro Baths were destroyed by fire, and the condo plans were abandoned. 今天,这些废墟证明了一位贝博体彩app人的远见以及他对这座城市的看法.

Best Time of Day to Visit Sutro Baths

While the best time to visit the Sutro Baths is debatable, many agree that the view at sunset is best. 如果可能的话,在工作日去,因为周末的时候浴场会非常拥挤. 

Outdoor Activities

While the baths are no longer available to visitors, there are still a variety of outdoor activities to engage in. 与废墟相邻的海洋海滩是一个受欢迎的冲浪地点. Even if you don't surf yourself, 在等待太阳落在废墟上的时候,简单地观看冲浪者可以是一种放松和愉快的方式来度过一个下午. 附近的苏特罗公园也是一个度过下午时光的好地方. 它提供了海洋海滩和几个贝博体彩app社区的绝佳全景.

Getting There

如果你开车,沿着Geary大道向西走,你最终会进入废墟. There is plenty of parking in the area. 如果你乘坐公共交通,38路公交车就在废墟附近. 其他可以让你接近的公交线路包括5路、18路和31路. 

Nearby Attractions 

The Walt Disney Family Museum

From Mickey Mouse to ice princess Elsa, 华特·迪士尼是美国一些最具标志性的文化试金石的创造者. The Walt Disney Family Museum is a 40,000平方英尺的中心有互动展览,展示了沃尔特最早的一些绘画, as well as an incredible scale model of Disneyland.

Buy Tickets

Presidio Tunnel Tops Park

Experience the 14-acre Presidio Tunnel Tops它是贝博体彩app的最新建筑,连接了普雷西迪奥主草坪和克里西球场. Tunnel Tops is filled with amazing Golden Gate Bridge views, food trucks, a two-acre playground, and more! 在那里发现所有令人惊叹的事件,或者只是在阳光下度过慵懒的一天. 

Log Cabin

它有着令人叹为观止的景色,靠近金门大桥, 小木屋是贝博体彩app为数不多的可以同时欣赏到海岸和城市天际线全景的场所之一. 如果你正在寻找一个地方举办婚礼或其他招待会, the Log Cabin is worth consideration.

Presidio Social Club

Featuring a retro California theme, pressidio社交俱乐部是一家高档餐厅,提供独特的鸡尾酒和轮流季节性菜单,从一些最好的厨师在城市.

Presidio Officers' Club

pressidio军官俱乐部是一个社区中心,为儿童和成人提供许多活动. In addition to its award-winning restaurant, the club hosts numerous public programs, 包括音乐和舞蹈课以及各种各样的演讲者.

Presidio Tunnel Tops

Aaron Danzig
Aaron Danzig

Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social Media Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 他在贝博体彩app生活了9年多,从事旅游工作 & Tourism for over 7 of those. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食!